An Unforgettable Experience in Tambora


    Hello everyone, I am Fahmi Nazmi but you can call me Ami. I am a D3 MICE Management student at Mercubuana University, currently I am in semester 2. I wrote this story to fulfill the Major Assignment 2 Writing Project English Language.



   At that time in August 2018, my senior told me that friends in Jogjakarta would hold an expedition to the East, named Mount Rinjani and Mount Tambora expedition. At that time, it was just me who joined the expedition.

    Long story short, after 6 days climbing Mount Rinjani, we were heading to Sumbawa Island. On the 3rd day in Dompu City, two of my friends had stomach pains, we decided to cancel the next trip, but I decided to climb and continue the trip to climb Mount Tambora by myself. My journey was begin.



    In the morning, I prepared to hike. On the way to Post 1, I took out Tramontina to cut the bushes, I was startled by a group of wild boars passing by, my heart was almost knocked out by them. There were two little white butterflies accompanied me, as if they were showing a path. When I stopped, the two butterflies disappeared, when I walked back the two butterflies reappeared.

  After trekking 15 km and 8 hours, I finally arrived at Pos 3. In this Pos, I was going to do a summit attack. The distance to the Top from Pot 3 is 6,7 km within 6 hours trekking. 

Exactly at 12:00 a.m, I was ready for the Tambora summit attack, my legs were already cramped and aggravated by the previous exhausting climb. After trekking 100 meters, my left foot was begin to hurt, I took a rest and said "Oh God, is this the end of my Mount Tambora climb?''.

    After rested for 2 hours, I decided to stop for the climb. Arrived at the tent, I treated the injury and changed the wear. When I looked out, in my mind I felt like there were someone watching me from the top of the tree, I tried to focus but was nothing there, I thought “Did I have hypothermia?’’.

    In the morning I woked up with pain in my body, my leg injury was begin to improve, after that I cooked and prepared for disembarkation. Suddenly there was a sound from Pos 4, it turned out there were climbers besides me climbed Tambora aswell. I have met those guys on Mount Rinjani. They also failed for summit attack, because storms and were disturbed by a group of wild boars. 

    After lunch, we decided for disembarkation. After a 5 hours trekking, we arrived at Pos 1 and there were other climbers at Pos 1. We continued trekking and arrived at 5 p.m. at basecamp. In next day, we met the climbers that we had met at Pos 1. I talked to them, they also fared like me, failed to summit attack. At Pos 3, they also felt strange things there, so they decided to go down.



    After stayed at the house of the Pancasila Village Leader, I finally said goodbye to the basecamp administrator. I was escorted by a climber friend to Dompu City and was picked up by my friend to his house. 3 days in Dompu City, and I was ready to go home. 

    After a 12 hours trip, finally arrived in Denpasar City. I stopped for 2 days, after that I took the train from Banyuwangi to Jogjakarta. In Jogjakarta I stayed 3 days and after that, I returned to Jakarta by train.
